Together for a responsible & sustainable tourism

Sustainability starts with all of us, together for a responsible and sustainable tourism


Our actions for an ecotourism:

We only organize groups with a very limited number of participants.

We try to keep domestic flights to a minimum. To offset the carbon footprint of your flights, we  finance the planting of trees.

Plastic is a real scourge in Nepal. To avoid bottled water, we offer a reusable beverage container on your arrival that you will be able to refill anywhere.

We try to limit human impact on Nepalese forests by using kerosene or gas on our camping treks and by choosing tea houses that use these same cooking fuels.

Our actions for a community tourism

We train young Nepalese girls from different ethnic groups to become tour guides and trekking guides and we finance courses in French, Italian and English. The knowledge of languages and this financial independence will enable them to get a brighter future.

We privilege accommodation in the communities (Terai and Annapurna regions) or in homestays. The profit goes directly to the local population.

We have chosen to promote trekking and tours off the beaten track in order to bring economic benefits of tourism to remote areas. We make it our priority that our itineraries respect the local population,their culture and their environment. 

Our actions for fair and solidarity-based tourism:

A fair tourism:

We are committed to remunerating our staff (guides and drivers) and our service providers as fairly as possible.

Solidarity tourism oriented towards education:

Nepal remains a poor country where children do not always have access to education because they have to financially help their family. We are in touch with monasteries or NGOs whose mission is to offer these children the opportunity to learn after their work or to completely take charge of their schooling costs.

For our commitments for sustainability, we have been awarded "Local Hero" by Evaneos


You & us for a better future:

Mountains are threatened by the invasion of waste. Food packaging, cardboard boxes, cans, batteries are some of the common garbage found at altitude. This pollution is directly linked to tourism; so keep them with you in order to throw them away when you arrive in town.

Water scarcity is a global problem today. Even if the country is not, for the moment, affected by the lack of water, some reflexes must henceforth be part of the daily routine: take short showers and report leaking taps.

Try your best to eat locally grown and sourced food; there are plenty of local options available.

Whenever possible, buy from local businesses (crafts, food products, etc.). This way, money circulates within the local economy, creating jobs for local people and minimizing the carbon footprint from transporting goods.

Throughout the country, urban and rural areas, you will see young children asking for money or candy (be aware that dentists are scarce in rural areas) Do not grant this request, if you wish to help,let us know.vWe are in contact with NGOs or monasteries that you can support by donating money, books or school supplies.

While you are hiking in certain fragile ecosystems, do not leave trails, limit trampling and give up on picking flowers or plants.

If you go trekking:

Remember to bring warm clothes. This will avoid cutting wood for simple campfires or fireplaces.

Use biodegradable soaps and shampoos to avoid pollution of rivers.

Child Protection Code of Conduct

Children working and living in tourist areas are especially vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. When you travel we encourage you to take the following actions in order to help create a safer tourism environment for children.

  • If you are concerned about the welfare of any child, tell your tour guide immediately.

  • Instead of giving money directly to children who are begging or selling food or souvenirs, support their families and communities or donate to reputable children’s charities.

  • Treat children like you would in your home country. Before taking photos of children, always ask for their permission.

  • Never take a child anywhere without the supervision and permission of their parents or guardian.

  • Before visiting or volunteering with vulnerable children, research the organisation to ensure they have standards and procedures that protect children’s physical and emotional wellbeing. Please do not support ‘orphanage tourism’.
